剛剛以德國漢堡學派Solar Arc跟印度占星 完成校正G先生出生時間。功德圓滿。原本報00:35分,與D9盤、婚期還有婚姻與現狀不合。校正為00:30後,際遇都對了。這5分鐘讓九分盤命宮足足差了兩宮。校正後的命盤預見命主即將走羅喉大好運,蟄伏了十數年,印度占星看見他還能再創生命高峰。
Using both Germany Solar Arc and Jyotish Divisional Chart Rectifiction techniqes,the birth time is comfired from 00:35 to 00:30. The 00:35 chart is wrong due to marrage could not take place at Dec 2001 in Mo-Me Dash and devoiced at Dec 2003 Mo-Me Dash.
There are many scenario also fit. We will nticipate his rise in the next Ra. This Mahadash is excellent time to rise. Depositor Ma is exalted in 11th House ,D10. It is a Genesh blessing!!