2011年7月6日 星期三
啦啦隊兼有美化市容跟提振士氣的效果 我是個穿長褲不露半點肉的啦啦隊老帥哥 美化市容的工功用當然完全沒有卻對激勵人心yes ,we can有股傻勁 yes,we can把黑人歐巴馬送進白宮 我想yes,you can也能把你的人生推向高潮
馬特拉不拉 阿扁來拉
憂鬱症 自殺與重生
星光新星黎礎寧走了 ,像快速劃過天空流星,為世人留下驚豔與錯鍔。是情觴難過,徒留憾事,令人噓唏不已,還是提醒我們該如何面對跟處理挫折。當然身為旁觀者如果沒有切身感受其時很難感受情觴的痛苦煎熬是什麼滋味,所謂醉過方知酒濃、沒醉過人哪知穿腸酒宿醉後的痛苦? 沒有這種同理心的感受很容易錯以為這種難關笑笑就過了。事實是無論是倪敏男、張國榮還是黎礎寧能夠在演藝事業高競爭、高壓力下存活本身的抗壓性可能比我們想像的來的高許多。是什麼原因讓這些明星最後卻被憂鬱症打敗走向絕路的呢?
通常憂鬱症跟自殺傾向在星盤上是有跡可循的,它跟土星、水星、月亮、十二宮有密切的關係。在美國平均5個女人就有一個有憂鬱,症 男人有憂鬱症的機會是女人的一半。
以下是好萊屋國際巨星Carmeron Diaz的命盤
Michael Jackson巨星殞落
Michael Jackson出生時間不詳必須靠占星家根據巨星本人的個性、事業成就、婚姻過往事件加以推算。
Michael Jackson, "Moonwalk," Doubleday, 1988, was misquoted for 11:45 PM CDT. On p.6 the year and place are given, no date or time. Nelson George "The Michael Jackson Story," a Dell book, 1984, p.24, gives the date and place, no time.
Richard Gehman called 9/l993 with a time of 7:54 AM CDT "from someone close to Michael."
Grazia Bordoni writes 10/93 that Mercurio-3 gave 3:00 AM "from him."
Zip Dobyns has 1:30 AM "from a close friend of Michael's to a fellow astrologer." Dobyns speculates late Aquarius rising.
Kim Baker speculates 12:09 PM in NCGR Newsletter article.
Lois Rodden spec-rectifies to 8:47 AM CDT.
Basil Fearrington rectifies to 11:53 PM in "Astrology of the Famed," writing in a footnote of the Introduction that "I had many opportunities to observe Michael but could not get close enough to ask him about his time of birth." On 12/31/1998, Fearrington emailed the statement that "I had occasion, while playing in the opening act for the very last Jackson tour to ask Michael what his time of birth was. He said "I will tell you as I told Jackie Onassis, all I know is that it was late in the evening, definitely after 10:30 PM." As "Astrology of the Famed" was published in 1996 and Jackson's last tour was in 1984, Fearrington leaves himself open to some question of credibility.
Michael Jackson, "Moonwalk," Doubleday, 1988, was misquoted for 11:45 PM CDT. On p.6 the year and place are given, no date or time. Nelson George "The Michael Jackson Story," a Dell book, 1984, p.24, gives the date and place, no time.
Richard Gehman called 9/l993 with a time of 7:54 AM CDT "from someone close to Michael."
Grazia Bordoni writes 10/93 that Mercurio-3 gave 3:00 AM "from him."
Zip Dobyns has 1:30 AM "from a close friend of Michael's to a fellow astrologer." Dobyns speculates late Aquarius rising.
Kim Baker speculates 12:09 PM in NCGR Newsletter article.
Lois Rodden spec-rectifies to 8:47 AM CDT.
Basil Fearrington rectifies to 11:53 PM in "Astrology of the Famed," writing in a footnote of the Introduction that "I had many opportunities to observe Michael but could not get close enough to ask him about his time of birth." On 12/31/1998, Fearrington emailed the statement that "I had occasion, while playing in the opening act for the very last Jackson tour to ask Michael what his time of birth was. He said "I will tell you as I told Jackie Onassis, all I know is that it was late in the evening, definitely after 10:30 PM." As "Astrology of the Famed" was published in 1996 and Jackson's last tour was in 1984, Fearrington leaves himself open to some question of credibility.
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